24 signatures
Name | Country | Comments | Organisation | Logo |
Hugo Spiess |
France |
En tant que co-fondateur de Prosoon, je m’associe à toute mon équipe pour soutenir cette déclaration. Nous nous engageons à bâtir une société de la reconnaissance, aux côtés de nos partenaires et des acteurs engagés, pour mettre en valeur les compétences et les accomplissements de chacun, partout. |
Prosoon |
Joanne Duklas |
Netherlands |
Groningen Declaration Network |
Joanne Duklas |
Canada |
Duklas Cornerstone Consulting Inc. |
Marta Kalas |
United Kingdom |
We are proud to support Open Recognition and will work towards achieving its goals. |
Open CPD |
Chris Delepierre |
France |
Longue vie à la déclaration de Paris sur l’égalité des reconnaissances ! |
Trézorium |
Melanie Gottlieb |
United States |
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) |
Sandra Zoomers |
Netherlands |
Dutch Cities of Learning |
Laurence Martin |
France |
APapp |
Rob Coyle |
United States |
We are proud to support this important initiative. By recognizing learning in all its forms, we celebrate the power of knowledge and inspire lifelong learning. |
1EdTech Consortium |
Laimonas Ragauskas |
Lithuania |
NGO Awero and international Cities of Learning network actively practising and supporting recognition efforts, especially in the field of youth work and non-formal learning by using digital Open badges. This declaration is in line with out values and practices. |
Joshua Lange |
Austria |
GetSmart Token |
Nerijus Kriauciunas |
Lithuania |
I endourse this declarion as it reflects our values, goals and practices in recognition. |
Awero |
France |
Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle |
Delamare Christophe |
Reunion |
Rhizomia |
France |
Victorien Lechaîne |
France |
Elan pédagogie |
MATTIO Claude |
France |
yellowE |
Phillip Long |
United States |
RHz Consulting LLC |
Melissa Loble |
United States |
Instructure |
Ruud Duvekot |
Netherlands |
As Professor in Validation and Work-based Learning I fully support the Paris Declaration. It follows up on the Berlin Declaration on Validation of Prior Learning from 2019. |
Centre for Lifelong Learning Services CL3S |
Melanie Gottlieb |
United States |
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) |
Denise Stanley |
Netherlands |
Eric Shepherd |
United States |
We proudly endorse the Paris Declaration, as its commitment to the equality of recognition practices aligns with our mission to help people thrive personally and professionally, fostering stronger, more socially connected communities built on fairness, empathy, and mutual respect. |
Foundation for Talent Transformation |
Donald Presant |
Canada |
As advocates for opening up recognition over the last two decades, we heartily endorse this declaration for “lifewide recognition” of lifelong and lifewide learning. We look forward to partnering with like-minded organisations to put these principles into effective practice, to improve outcomes for individuals and the societies where they live. |
Learning Agents |